The Watford City Long Range Transportation Plan and Land Use Study was commissioned to inform the public about the plan, allow for input on transportation and land use within the city, and offer public opportunity for meaningful feedback on project concepts and plans. By utilizing this data-driven approach, Watford City now has a plan that...
All Applications have been changed and updated for 2024. Only the newly updated applications will be accepted. Fillable formats of the Applications and Forms may be found in the links below. NOTICE: Article 8 Chapter VI-Business Regulations & Licensing REQUIRES all persons engaging in the business or acting in the capacity of a contractor within the...
For further details and requirements regarding driveway and access management guidelines, please refer to the City of Watford City Municipal Code of Ordinances Chapter II, Article 1. A Construction and Repair Permit needs to be secured prior to constructing, reconstructing, altering, grading, or repairing a driveway/access inside of public right of way. Construction, maintenance, and...
Purpose of Floodplain Management The purpose of floodplain management for the City of Watford City is to promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the public, and to minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions in specific areas by provisions designed to: 1. Protect human life and health; 2. Minimize expenditure of...
Cities plan for the future to make sure they can grow and thrive. By looking ahead, they can decide where to build new homes, businesses, and roads. This helps prevent problems like overcrowding and traffic jams. Planning also helps cities make sure they have enough water, electricity, and other resources to meet the needs of...
The Engineering Department is responsible for the city's Geographic Information Systems (GIS). McKenzie County has an interactive map that includes the City limits, ETA limits, and parcel information along with many other items. You can access that map at the link below. Road Restrictions and Load Pass Information For the most up-to-date road restrictions in...
About The Engineering Department The Watford City Engineering Department is responsible for planning and maintaining the city's infrastructure. This includes things like roads, bridges, water and sewer systems, and public buildings. Our engineers work to ensure that the city's infrastructure is safe, efficient, and meets the needs of our growing community. We also play a...
About The Rough Rider Fund The Rough Rider Fund is a one and a half cent city sales tax that was established in 1998 to support projects that enhance Watford City and the surrounding areas. The committee, appointed by the mayor, operates under the guidelines in the HANDBOOK of POLICIES AND PROCEDURES, REVISED January 6,...
About The Long X Development Team Located at The Long X Visitor Center, The Long X Development Team is a collaborative office that consists of: The City of Watford City Community and Business Development Department McKenzie County Economic Development McKenzie County Tourism The Long X Arts Foundation Williston State College Regional Small Business Development Center...
Welcome to the fastest growing small town in America! According to the 2020 US Census, Watford City was the fastest growing small town in the US since 2010. Propelled forward by an economic boom that grew from new technology in the oil & gas industry, Watford City has capitalized on the opportunities presented to create...
Want to know what kind of development is allowed on your property? These maps show different areas of the city and what you can build there. It's like a roadmap for your property. To see the maps, just click on the links below. Understanding zoning helps ensure our city grows in a planned and organized...
Watford City Municipal Ordinances are the rules that help our community run smoothly. These laws cover everything from building codes and zoning to traffic regulations and business licenses. Understanding these rules is important for residents and businesses alike. Whether you're building a new home, starting a business, or just want to know your rights, our...
Watford City has construction standards to ensure that all contractors performing work within the city adhere to the engineering requirements for each project.
Applications, Fee Schedules and Forms Deadline dates for planning application submittals as well as Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council meeting dates can be found on the Planning & Zoning Commission page. Completed applications are first reviewed by Planning Department staff. Please DO NOT submit payment for application fees without prior review and approval from City...
Watford City's zoning and municipal ordinances help keep our city organized, safe, and attractive. These rules make sure buildings are built right, businesses operate fairly, and traffic flows smoothly. By following these guidelines, we protect property values, ensure public safety, and create a great place to live, work, and visit.
The City of Watford City zoning ordinances are used as a guideline to keep our city looking great and functioning smoothly. Before you begin your next project, you'll need to make sure your plans follow city zoning ordinances. The link below will take you to Watford City's most up-to-date zoning ordinances.
About Planning & Zoning The City of Watford City Planning and Zoning Department is here to help shape our community's future. We work to make sure new buildings and developments fit in with the rest of the city and meet our community's needs. From reviewing building plans to approving new zoning districts, our team is...