Applications, Fee Schedules and Forms
Deadline dates for planning application submittals as well as Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council meeting dates can be found on the Planning & Zoning Commission page.
Completed applications are first reviewed by Planning Department staff. Please DO NOT submit payment for application fees without prior review and approval from City staff.
Accepted applications requiring City Council review will be advertised for public hearing to be held during a regularly scheduled Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. Pending a motion from the Commission, the application will then be reviewed by City Council for final action of approval/denial. This process does not apply to Site Development Plan Applications.
All applications and supporting documentation may be submitted electronically, such as through email however, the original application with notarized property owner(s) signature(s) must still be submitted to Planning Department staff prior to the Planning Commission meeting.
How to Submit Your Applications and Fees
PO Box 494
Watford City, ND 58854
Friday: 8:00AM - 1:00PM
Saturday and Sunday: CLOSED